View Your Progress of All Habits 🎁

Hey there,

I'm thrilled to share with you two new updates from Habit Rewards that are designed to enhance your experience.

1. Remove of Settle Up

You no longer need to worry about settling your missed days! 🎉

Habit Rewards now allows you to use the app as a simple habit tracker: effortlessly track the habits you complete, and automatically record the ones you miss.

It’s all about making your habit tracking simpler and stress-free.

2. Introduce Weekly Calendar of All Habits

Now you can visualize your progress of all habits at a glance, helping you stay motivated and on track with your goals.

Monitor your habits over time and gain insights into your patterns and achievements.

We hope these updates make your habit tracking journey even more enjoyable and effective.

I am still actively adding more features to the app.

Let me know if you have any feedback via

Always here for you.

Lastly, it would be great if you could take a moment to leave a testimonial here.

It means a lot to me. Thanks!

Habit Rewards

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Read more from Habit Rewards

Hey there, Great news! I’ve added two more features based on requests from Azur, who also suggested the “undo habit” feature! 🎉 As requested, the reward system in Habit Rewards App has been upgraded: You can now adjust the coin earnings for each habit. Set a higher reward for difficult habits and a lower one for easier tasks, giving you more control over your motivation. Additionally, there’s a new slider for setting the coins needed to redeem a reward. This gives you more flexibility—you can...

Hey there, Great news! I’ve just added the first feature requested by one of you: the ability to undo habits. 🎉 Accidentally mark a habit as done? No problem! Simply tap the box again to revert the habit entry. Thank you for your feedback and support as we continue to improve Habit Rewards for you. 🚀 Have more ideas or feature requests? I’d love to hear from you! Happy habit tracking!

Hey there, We’re excited to introduce a brand-new feature to help you on your journey to a healthier, happier you: Mood Tracking! With this new tool, you can now record your emotions daily with ease. Ready to start? Just open the app, click on the emoji icon, and begin tracking moods today! Mood Tracking - Habit Rewards Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback—we're here to support you every step of the way. Happy tracking!